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  • Posted In Sermons
  • 25th Jun, 2020 at 7:49 PM
  • Hero Lawson


Right! Let’s define some terms.

CEO:  This is an acronym for the chief executive officer, the highest ranking person in a company or other institution ultimately responsible for taking managerial decisions.

Dominance: Power and influence over others.

The space for a CEO is in the control room. Most times, you don’t have to be seen to make this happen. Small businesses die because the founder ends up doing almost everything. Every business idea will require more than the owner’s input to be actualized and to go global. Every business idea also requires a force that must be stirred to back it up. So, it is very important to put a structure in place which will include creating an organigram for the company and defining the roles of each individual on it. The role of the CEO is futuristic. He makes sure he captures the future and stays in control. This can only happen if he has created a system and delegated the operational running of the business to someone else to enable him have enough time to do what only him can do.

Qualities Required of a CEO

Mental Readiness

This is the alignment of your conscious thoughts and actions with your unconscious behaviour. It is the preparation you make to face a situation not yet obvious. The vision you see is that of dominance and the mission is to pull every resource required to take your space in your race at your pace. You must know the area you want to

Spiritual Sanitization

You need to be clear in the environment on your inside. Never allow unwanted weeds to grow in your spirit. An institution is as healthy as the head. A CEO needs to have a clear mind and a conducive atmosphere to connect to his/her source so as to draw strength for the future. There will always be the temptation to get into operational duties but he needs to restrain himself from this. He must learn to unplug from sources that pollute his spirit and connect to the environment that paints the future he foresees (mentorship). He may need to stay away from social media, emails, and parties sometimes and listen to achievers in his industry that have strong and compelling evidence. When your heart is at peace, even the wind will speak to you


In an atmosphere of peace, you get impressions void of bias. The future is revealed to those who are focused on it. Impressions are very powerful for a CEO and the thoughts that flash through his/her mind are not casual. The future of a business will always present with signs but if the CEO is not observant enough, he/she may gloss over these. Impressions are like urges. We go to school to study ourselves really and in the process of trying to unravel our impressions, some become doctors while others become engineers etc. It is one thing to hear and another thing to understand an impression but it’s important to note here that impressions may bring distress initially but will lead to answers and solutions ultimately when properly pursued. Invest in your impressions and stay with them until they turn to gold.



Tips to help you Succeed as a CEO

Study your Urges as they Point to the Future

A CEO must have a study room and time to process the impressions of his/her heart as he/she is aware that these signs are a pointer to the future. If he/she treats them as casual, he/she may become a casualty. As the visionary of the company, you must be able to describe what you see even if you can’t understand it. You can’t forget what you see when your mind is ready to conceive it. As a matter of fact, every CEO must have a book and pen while sleeping and a personal assistant while awake. You may not necessarily pay for these services but just find a way to basket the future so it doesn't leak. You shouldn’t joke with your feelings and inclinations. Most people deny themselves a vital share of the future just because they’ve been thought not to feel themselves. All emotions are energy in motion and suppressing them can be bloody since energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only be converted into another form. Your temperament is not a problem however, you need to master it well so you can unlock the future in it. Every idea comes through a feeling either by provocation, inspiration or expression. The bottom-line is that there was a stirring.  

Look for People who can do the Job

How do you hire? Do you hire to fire? Vacuum calls for occupancy. A need creates a space and a space attracts a certain kind of personality that is fit for the job. There is no sentiment in hiring. As a matter of fact, when there is an increase in demand there may be an obvious need to seek for one more person to inject into the system. That is why there is nothing like scarcity of job but scarcity of solution bearers or people skilled enough to take up the challenge. Hire those who have a track record of interpreting and fixing the kinds of problems that you see. Your operational officer must be someone who can interpret the mysteries of the future of your business and position the company ahead. If a man can do the job, then his tribe, background or academic qualifications do not matter. Sometimes nobody sees the need for a new position except the few at the top and selection is usually made from available personnel not considering whether they are fit for the job or not. It is very important to ensure that the right person is gotten for the job even if that right person comes from a janitor.The right person for the job can be identified by the solution they bring to the table. If a table is scattered, you need someone that can fix the table and not someone who tells you why the table should not be scattered in the first place. Find that man/woman that can solve the future he may be hard to find but you have to find him!!! he may or may not have a track record because of platform. If the solution he thinks makes things better you can as well risk it because its a lower risk.

Don’t Get Caught Up In Operational Activities

It is easy to do it yourself because you understand the vision, mission and values of your company. However, you must deliberately allow things to go wrong operationally and say nothing. This may be one of the hardest things a CEO could do. The idea is to train someone else to run the company while you open up the next dimension. Remember that operations are systems and your strength is in the future so delegate operations so you have time to study what is next. If you get an idea, throw it open to your team members and watch them work around it. The truth about the matter is, some of your team members are very gifted in certain areas and it is your job to coordinate those gifting to achieve the future that you desire for your company. Do selective pretence!!

Your Job Is To Keep Seeing the Future

Be clear about your role. The role of a CEO is that of leadership and it is future oriented. When people focus all their energy on a project, they develop themselves beyond their wildest imaginations. Be obsessed about the future, you will find that negative energy can’t survive around you. Your life should represent the future and the people working with you should find you a source to draw from. The future will never change but will change everything. Someone once said that “there will always be something or one more thing to focus on”. Yes, as a matter of fact, that’s what life is about - “one more thing”. You keep going for it, having your energy, time and creativity being poured into something that has eternal value, something that will stand the test of time after you retire. The future is a positive distraction. Focus on it otherwise, something else may distract you. Focus everyday on the future to build a company that can dominate its sector.

Make People around You Successful

A CEO is not ashamed to borrow ideas from others or ask for help. In the real sense of the word, he  provides the platform for others to explore their creativity and talents. He is a king maker and the sheer courage to birth a company out of an idea makes a statement that he wants to give more people the opportunity to grow and become better. The truth is that a lot of companies needs profit to run, however the human instrument that gets this job done have their individual goals and dreams. The platform you give will be more valuable if it brings out the best in the people. And this can be achieve when you provide the tools and enabling environment to stimulate the stars in your employees to rise.



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  • Adewumi Jun 26th, 2020 at 10:42 pm

    This is the realiest truth taught in the simplest way by a genius... You are future we have been waiting for. Thank you Mr Hero Lawson...


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