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Mind your Business

Mind your Business

  • Posted In Sermons
  • 3rd Apr, 2020 at 9:50 PM

You need to have a business to mind a business.

Most people are busy but have no business.

A business is a person’s regular occupation, profession, or trade.

From the above definition, it is obvious that there is an occupation, which simply means there is a space and there is an occupancy.

The mind is an open space waiting to be filled with an information. If you don’t fill it intentionally, because it abhors vacuum, it will look around to pick the most trending information or create a news on its own.

The people we call busy bodies are actually people who are not occupied with a business of their own so they easily pick signals around just to feel like a part of the web. There are no issues with gossiping if it brings returns and financial reward on a consistent basis. Business can either be exchange of goods and services either in physical or abstract. The most important thing is that you are bringing value to the market place in exchange for money.


So many people have good ideas but no good business plan to make it work. Some businesses can’t stand the test of time because business is beyond making money. It’s about progressive money making. I met a 62 year old man, who was still struggling to eat by daily hustle. The easy thing to do is to pity him but on a deeper thought, what was this man doing in more than 6 decades of his life? That question will lead to a break out discovery. If you wake on the wrong side at 60, it means that you only have lifestyle diseases to keep you company and misery. Life can be so bitter at the other side. People will avoid you because you bring sorrow and not joy. A woman told me how she was disgusted with women who sent their children to sell on the streets while she was young but before she knew what was happening she was sending her own children out to sell brooms on the streets. Note: Business is not buying and selling, business is a systematic way of giving value which in turn generates money and good life on a consistent basis.

Tips for Building a Business

1. Get a business of your own. You have to have a business idea that is your brain child. Any idea can be turned into a business. Just identity a need around you and desire to solve that need.

2. Register the business name Some businesses start over time before the paper work is done. The reason for this is lack of clarity (the owner of the business is not sure whether it will succeed) or lack of knowledge (the owner is not oriented on the benefits of registering a business. The process of registering your company helps your mind to process what you really want to do.

3. Put your objective on paper Most times people struggle to get appropriate vision and mission statements to follow. You see a company saying we offer the best health services at the most affordable price and you watch their environment look dirty and unkempt. The best way to start is by identifying a need. For example, an economics PhD lecturer discovered that what he was teaching people in his community had no connection to reality as the average person in that community was living under 2 dollars per day. He went further to find out why and how he could help. He discovered that the women made good furniture but due to lack.of a capital of their own, the lenders insisted they sell to nobody but them at a particular price. He went further to gather their information and lent them money without collateral and the business changed. When the lecturer gathered enough data of these women, he approached the bank to assist but they refused because the bank was trained to believe that these old women were not credit worthy. After much resistance, the lecturer wrote to the government to establish a micro finance bank and the rest is history. The micro finance bank has raised millionaires in and outside the community as we speak. My point is, state the need you want to meet. This becomes your mission statement and picture how the world will be afterwards, that is your vision. Then the values are the principles you want to stand on for which you develop channels to get you there (goals) If you can see your idea working on paper, it will be very easy to implement it.

4. Get some help. Allow yourself to learn and improve. There are some weaknesses you have that can only become obvious when you start up. Subscribe to the strength of those who can assist you in the areas of weakness especially accounting. There are some things you can’t do by yourself. If you can’t afford to pay for their services, offer them partnership.

5. Be on the move Let people follow you because of the passion you generate in moving towards your vision. When people believe in you, they charge you less because money is not their motivation but personal transformation. The space must be filled up with the passion of what you want until it becomes an obsession. Doubt will not be able to exist in a motion consciousness.

6. Start now The best time to start a business is now. It gives you focus and energy because you are doing something that sparks you up. Even if it does not pay now, it will pay later. You will retire to watch the business take care of you. Passion is the most deceptive of all emotions. Sometimes you get engrossed in doing something you love only to find out later you are on the wrong lane. When you have your own business, you can put everything in it and the reward will be enormous.



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  • Uche Nkemka Jun 24th, 2022 at 10:02 am

    This is what I am talking about

  • Uche Nkemka Jun 24th, 2022 at 10:06 am

    Yes. I mean it

  • Loveth Sunday Wande Apr 8th, 2020 at 10:30 am

    Wooo this site is so amazing, great job Mr Hero..

    • Clinton Mac May 25th, 2020 at 5:32 pm

      This is the best thing I've read today. Absolutely brilliant!

    • Abiodun Kolawole Jun 8th, 2020 at 9:06 am

      Fantastic article Mr Lawson. Well articulated!

    • Vincent May 25th, 2020 at 7:56 pm

      Wow. This is really inspiring

  • Loveth Sunday Wande Apr 8th, 2020 at 10:30 am

    Wooo this site is so amazing, great job Mr Hero..

  • Augustine Ukpo Apr 8th, 2020 at 10:40 am

    Great thought, it has become apparent everyone needs to have a business of their own to survive the next phase of life. The confusion is always finding what your design for and pursuing it with all you've got. If you are lucky to find that on time the better for you. Truth remains if you truly desire it, the universe will organise and orchestrate event to unite you and your purpose. Thank you sir looking forward to the next article

    • Uche Nkemka Jun 24th, 2022 at 10:06 am

      @Augustine Ukpo are you there

  • Hero Lawson Apr 25th, 2020 at 2:05 pm

    Thank you Mr Austin..


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