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  • Posted In Sermons
  • 8th Jun, 2020 at 6:12 AM
  • Hero Lawson

Work is Life

Any work that does not give you life is taking away your life.

The work you do should not only give you money but also increase your capacity to do more in the future, have more time for what is important and afford the life of your dream.

This article was inspired by a radio program I listened to on the 1st day of June, 2020. In the program, a man complained that his job takes all his time as he has to work from Monday to Sunday so much that he does not even have time for his wife and children. Very painful, right? but the most painful part is that his pay is just #50,000 -  talk about stories that touch the heart.

We hear this kind of stories every day albeit in different forms and the easiest solution we often offer the victim is to advise them to quit or just hang in there until something better comes. This article is not to tell you what to do or what not to do but to help you have a broader view of the situation so you can avoid similar pitfalls or come out of them if already in.

Sometimes we have to learn from others’ mistakes to carry on in life. Making a mistake is not a problem but repeating the same mistake is up to us to decide. Is it possible that what you are going through now someone somewhere has gone through it? Can you learn from their story? Why must you suffer for an avoidable mistake?

That is what happens when you live in isolation and without the right set of people to stimulate, motivate and push you to be a better version of yourself and so produce uncommon and outstanding results. Understand that the height you attain in life is connected to the highest authority over your life. Someone has to help you to see clearly and think deeply. We sometimes find ourselves disliking anyone who does not think like us or behave in certain ways we love. So, when someone’s life is a challenge to our mediocrity, we rebel but how can you know better if you do not share in others’ perspectives?

The fact that a married man is making #50,000 monthly is a proof of the value he is bringing to the table or is he being under paid? Let me do the maths for you!!!

#50,000 per month:

#50,000 divided by 31 days equal to #1,612.

#1,612 divided by 24 hours equal to #67.

#67 divided by 60 minutes equal #1.1.

If your worth is #1.1 per minute, you are supposed to be alone and seek out time with God to reveal your destiny or identity to you but now you are married with children! This is a web of slavery because you cannot develop if your life is controlled by bills and expenses. Remember that money can never be enough but you can manage yourself by living below your means so as to buy time for improvement. Set your priorities right!

The secret behind success in life is to identify the different stages and what is required of one at every stage. In a normal society where the right values are upheld, an individual is supposed to be under the care and tutelage of his parents or guardians until 18 years of age or even more. At this stage, you should be allowed to explore life and take your chances while being guided, It is part of the learning process. However, when you are forced to cater for yourself too early in life, you may lose track of life. We start life most times on the wrong footing pursuing money instead of mental development  Be in school when you should be in school,  money will always be there. It is better to learn when you are still open to learning.

Even if you do not believe in formal education, understand education means to draw out. There is something in you that needs to be drawn out. Do not focus on what to eat or drink, If you have to go hungry to draw it out now, do so. Master some skills when you are not under intense pressure and it will make way for you later.


Do not Take up too much too Soon.

Always think forward so you do not get blinded by current situations thereby forgetting that life is in the future. Too much responsibility leads to stunted growth. You can only do one thing better at a time. Be a growing person. If you can, refuse some privileges if they do not allow you to know more and do more. Do not be too busy to learn new skills. My mother told me how she missed an opportunity to go to teaching school and she regrets it till date. It would have made a lot of difference in her life and career. The problems of this world will always be here so create room for others to contribute their own quota as you can not solve the world’s problems alone. People claim they do not have time when what they are engaged in now has no bearing to the future.


Work for life

The reason they pay a master degree holder much more than a gate-man is because the master degree holder is believed to have developed his brain to solve problems creatively while the gate-man’s job is believed to be doable by anyone. You need to be in a class all by yourself and bring value to the table. You may even need to work for free if need be so you do not get carried away too soon. A work that brings out the best in you must involve your creativity and unlock your ingenuity. It is risky to involve yourself in something your heart does not accept. It will leave you bitter, broken and bruised. In civilized countries, people do a lot of voluntary jobs from their hearts to serve their community. Seek eternal gain over material gain first and you will unleash the power within. Your best will come out. You cannot be the best of you and be earning #50,000. When we went for the compulsory National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) after graduating from school several years ago, many of us thought it was a waste of time. We were eager to get into  the labour market and start making money and so, we missed  a crucial part of  our human development because a time to serve is a time to grow and growth brings progress which in turn brings increase. 

If you are reading this and you still have the privilege to read, study and serve, please do not take it for granted. Life is not about paying bills. You need to be properly developed before you face life. You may need to stay behind the scene and develop yourself without distraction. Fame, money, friends, privileges etc can be distractive if gotten before one is ripe for it and if you are already in the web where you eat from hand to mouth, you have to understand that your work rate will have to triple. Be over ready to pay the price in full. If you did not pass jamb when you were 18 years of age, what is the likelihood that you will pass it now? It is going to be tough but it is very possible. The key thing is that you have a clear purpose and a determination to succeed. Knowing your purpose and committing wholeheartedly to its fulfilment is a powerful force that will give you outstanding results.


You can only die once so, make up your mind that as long as you have life in you, you will work for life and your work will make life better. Explore! Give it your best! Let your heart, mind and soul be in it and it will transform you to be a bigger, better and bolder version of you.




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  • Abiodun Kolawole Jun 8th, 2020 at 9:43 am

    Awesome! It’s sport on Mr. Lawson

    • Abiodun Kolawole Jun 8th, 2020 at 9:46 am

      Awesome article Mr. Lawson, you hit the nail on the head. We must be open for continuous learning and training for the better us to emerge.

  • Folakemi orekoya Jun 27th, 2020 at 8:22 pm

    Awesome article I clearly got the message


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